Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009

I was at school with a bunch of kids my age (12, 13, 14) and my friend, Hagan, was going to my school also. For some reason, we were painting maps. I think it was art class, maybe geography...
Anyway, painting. Hagan REALLY liked the colour white, so he painted everything on his map white. I don't quiet remember what I said to dear Hagan, but it upset him. He asked the teacher if he could leave, and of course, the teacher said yes.
I felt really terrible for making Hagan sad, so then I was looking all over the classroom for a piece of paper that I could draw on and make him happy when he came back. I couldn't find any paper to use, so I was basically spazzing out there. :P
My plan was to make, like, a little card..thing. It would say "I'M SORRY" in big bubble letters on the front, and then when you open it, it would have a drawing.
It would have looked something like...
(> ^_^)> <(^_^ <) ::hugs:: <333

I don't know why, but that's what I saw in my head. Don't ask.

I was still looking for a piece of paper, apparently neglecting my map...

.....And then I woke up!


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