Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13, 2009

(I can't remember a lot of the details from this dream, so it isn't very worth reading.)

I was a few years younger, 9 or 10 maybe, and was being babysat by my friend, Nikki. She was also babysitting a few other kids my age. Nikki put all of us kids in a huge building that had a ton of gymnastics equipment in various rooms. We weren't supposed to play with the equipment, however.
Eventually, Nikki left to go to her house for a little while, which was right next door to the building we were in. All the other kids and I thought it would be a good idea to just play in the mat room.
We were jumping over the mats and rolling around, stacking them then jumping off onto another pile.
None of us were keeping track of time, of course, and Nikki came back and saw us. She was seriously angry, especially at me. We all had to walk to Nikki's house so we could talk.
Nikki said, "I thought I told you not to play with the equipment!" yelling at me, mostly. "I'm so glad I don't have to put up with kids like you all the time!"
I was trying not to cry, but eventually, I couldn't help it. I started crying...

...and then I woke up.

PS: Nikki, I love you! I know you would never do this to me... >_>


Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009

I was at school with a bunch of kids my age (12, 13, 14) and my friend, Hagan, was going to my school also. For some reason, we were painting maps. I think it was art class, maybe geography...
Anyway, painting. Hagan REALLY liked the colour white, so he painted everything on his map white. I don't quiet remember what I said to dear Hagan, but it upset him. He asked the teacher if he could leave, and of course, the teacher said yes.
I felt really terrible for making Hagan sad, so then I was looking all over the classroom for a piece of paper that I could draw on and make him happy when he came back. I couldn't find any paper to use, so I was basically spazzing out there. :P
My plan was to make, like, a little card..thing. It would say "I'M SORRY" in big bubble letters on the front, and then when you open it, it would have a drawing.
It would have looked something like...
(> ^_^)> <(^_^ <) ::hugs:: <333

I don't know why, but that's what I saw in my head. Don't ask.

I was still looking for a piece of paper, apparently neglecting my map...

.....And then I woke up!